Real Setup

This section reviews the real setups on the cluster.



port 23 24 are changed into VLAN2 for S1720-28GWR-4P.


The reseverd ip is The dhcp is turned off and it sit in AP mode. When connecting to it, the ip is assigned by master node DHCP sevice in 48 subnet.

master server

LAN upper RJ45 port 10/24 and WAN lower RJ45 port 44/24.

maste node is currently set as static ip in WAN.

Harddisk(? position may not be accurate now): left down for 2.5 SSD, right down for sdb, old 2T HDD, left up for sdc, new 3.5 2T HDD.

computation server

The leftmost RJ45 port is utilized. (not the one for iDRAC) The nic name is eno1 in ubuntu OS.

outdated server

centos 6.6, name as d1. For operations on this server, please refer this section.

Note: d1 is not ready to open to users. It currently went offline.


basic on master

First use fdisk make one partition on each disk of sdb and sdc, and then use mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 to format the two disks. Mount two 2T hdds /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 to /DATA and /BACKUP, where /DATA has similar permission with tmp and shared across nfs. Namely, chmod a+w /DATA, chmod a+t /DATA. Meanwhile, /BACKUP is only written by root. There are several backup crontab tasks by root managed by rsync -az from /home/ubuntu and /opt to /BACKUP. Besides, the config file /etc/fstab is also configured such that /DATA and /BACKUP can be mounted automatically when reboot.

## add two following lines in /etc/fstab
/dev/sdb1  /DATA ext4 defaults 0 0
/dev/sdc1  /BACKUP ext4 defaults 0 0

The backup crontab and fstab mount config have not included into ansible workflow due to flexibility consideration.

In terms of network and nfs, ntp, apt setups, please see relevant section in Virtual Machine part.

Note the netplan config logic is merging instead of overwrting, so one must add dhcp4: false into config.yaml to make sure no dhcp is utilized.

Note: For proxy part, note there are softwares not following http_proxy and need to set proxy in their own way. Such apps include apt, and git and crontab and docker (Note there are four different types of proxies you may want to configure in terms of docker!). (Maybe /etc/enviroment is a better place for http proxy variables). Also note apt-add-repository use http_proxy env instead of apt.conf, indicating that you need sudo -E.

swap partition

The swap partition on c4 to c9 is a bit annoying for its large size which may slow down the program without notice with high IO. Turn off them by sudo swapoff /dev/sda3. Also note delete the swap line in /etc/fstab. However, the swap partition is before the root partition, so no idea how to utilize the disk space easily. Form personal perspective, I always recommend using swap.img file as swap, which is much more flexible than swap partition( see this for swap file config).

Temporary way to utilize the empty swap partition: mount them locally under /tmp/extra dir in c4 to c9.

ansible -i hosts cn[3:8] -m filesystem -a "dev=/dev/sda3 fstype=ext4 force=yes" --become -K

ansible -i hosts cn[3:8] -m file -a "path=/tmp/extra state=directory mode=01777" --become -K

ansible -i hosts cn[3:8] -m mount -a "path=/tmp/extra src=/dev/sda3 fstype=ext4 state=mounted" --become -K

Note how cn[3:8] corresponding to c4 to c9.


sudo apt install ansible on master node.

Please see the ansible playbooks in HPC2. The playbooks went opensource, see here.

Test command: ansible-playbook site_test.yml -i hosts_test -vv, remembering change the group role in hosts_test, this test will be conducted on a remote VM server.

gpu drivers

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get updatE
## check drivers
ubuntu-drivers devices
sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-415
## reboot is needed
apt list --installed|grep nvidia

driver-418 seems to be vanishing in ppa, install 430 instead on c9.

nvlink commands from nvidia-smi: post


into ansible workflow

Just see the practice on spack. Combine spack with lmod to provide consitent interface on package management.

some spack things to note

  • spack install rclone, and there is a go folder on the home directory, outside the spack folder!! Seems because GOPATH is by default instead of set within spack folder. See this blog for more info on go project and package organization in fs level. Solved by this commit.


into ansible workflow and intel parallel studio installation, always use intel python and its conda for users

prefered way: intel python+spack pip. spack load intel-parallel-studio, spack load py-setuptools, spack load py-pip. Intel python+conda create enviroment.

Never use admin account's global pip. Reason: the package would be installed in ~/.pip. However, if later spack-pip install some packages, the dependece is automatically used if it is already in ~/.pip. But this folder is not accessible by other user which may lead to a chaos on python packages. However, for normal user, global pip3 is the recommended way to download packages.


Use intel python and pip as root, pip install jupyter ipyparallel jupyter_contrib_nbextensions. Somehow the cluster tab works after several trials. Dont know exact solution though.


Installed by the bash script on /opt/mathematica/verno. And the script is in the bin subdirectory of the above path. Add it as a package in spack override repo, and spack load mathematica to use it.

Possible issue: The activation need to be carried out per user per node basis. Maybe have a look at MathML in the future. Already written a script to activate all nodes at one time.

To utilize remote kernel launching with a better interface, add tunnel.m at Kernels/packages. Besides, one should also add and in their home directory ~/.Mathematica/FrontEnd.

One liner for user to be accessible ansible -i /home/ubuntu/hpc/hosts all -m command -a "/usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/softwares/mmaact/ '/opt/mathematica/11.0.1/bin/math'" --become-user=<user> -Kvv --become.


mount iso to a dir, and use ssh -X to install by X11 forwarding. Remember umount and mount iso2.

It is worth noting, that matlab installer supports -X for forwarding. While for matlab itself, only ssh -Y works for remote desktop scheme.


spack install singularity, remember to check spack edit singularity, there is an after install warn prompt asking you run a script which would change the permission of some files with s bit. It is crucial for singularity run by normal users.


into ansible workflow

apt-get install ganglia-monitor ganglia-monitor-python gmetad ganglia-webfrontend

ganglia-monitor is client side gmond.

On client, only ganglia-monitor and ganglia-monitor-python should be installed. The second one is necessary as modules to watch spec of nodes.

Please reference this post on the change of configuration files.

The workflow of ganglia configuration and installation have been merged to ansible playbooks.

gmetric can be customized to report certain spec. See temperature example here.

Apache password protected sites: digitalocean

gmetric expire invalid metric: mailist: add a finite int for -d flag in gmetric cli. Also see this post

GPU monitoring part, from beginning, I was thinking about incoporate nvidia plugin for ganglia github. But the solution is too invasive and no guranteen on the sucess based on search results in the internet. So finally I decided to write a small script to collect gpu data given by nvidia-smi and send them to gmond by gmetric command. Just as what I have done on cpu temperature.

The default apt package for ganglia webfront has no default view of cluster, fix by this and reported by this issue.


into ansible workflow

  • add elastic repo and key

  • apt install elasticsearch, es binding to localhost instead of master

  • apt install kibana and configure nginx reverse proxy

  • apt install logstash and configure the pipe, note the ip binding of beat input configure (there are "" for string ip)

  • apt install filebeat (on all nodes)

  • sudo filebeat setup --template -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E 'output.elasticsearch.hosts=["localhost:9200"]'

  • sudo filebeat setup -e -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=['localhost:9200'] -E

  • sudo filebeat setup --pipelines --modules system nginx mysql -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=['localhost:9200'] -E ref

  • Summary of the above three points to init filebeat, the following is enough

    $ filebeat modules enable system nginx mysql iptables apache2 # space instead of ,
    $ sudo filebeat setup -e -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E 'output.elasticsearch.hosts=["localhost:9200"]'
    $ sudo filebeat setup --pipelines --modules nginx,mysql,iptables,apache2,system  -E output.logstash.enabled=false -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=['localhost:9200']  -M system.auth.var.convert_timezone=true -M system.syslog.var.convert_timezone=true -M nginx.error.var.convert_timezone=true ## the arg for modules: , instead of space

    The -E flag is for temporary output to es database to write in some templates and pipelines. Since the filebeat is configured by output to logstash.

  • Note filebeat setup need temporary linking to es database, which is a must.

  • work test curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v"

  • disable logstash ssl (seems to be disable by default)

  • edit the index of logstash output (add beat.hostname in index name)

  • filebeat system module, timezone problem: post, post with logstash setup

    Detailed explanation on the tiemstamp mismatch for system module from filebeat: there are two types of log files, one with time zone information or direct claim on UTC timestamp, which the parser of filebeat can input the data into ES confidently with UTC timestamps. That is because ES always accept UTC timestamps and @timestamp is time zone agnostic. The reason that we feel the timestamps are just right in kibana is because the default setting of kibana is render the timestamp with timezones defined by broswer, aka. local OS system.

    Coming back to the second type of log files, like syslog and authlog in ubuntu, they have timestamps but have no indication whether such timestamps is UTC or localtime. Actually rsyslog can run on UTC even if OS is set to some other timezones. This could persists to the restart of rsyslog service. So to parse these logs and write UTC timestamps to ES, filebeat must has a way to specify whetehr we need to convert the lietral time strings in syslog by some timezone and write another literal timestamps to ES. This is in principle configured by /etc/filbeat/modules.d/system.yml. There is a variable in the file called var.convert_timezone, turn it to be true (seems default false), and in principle, you can get the correct time view in kibana now.

    The mechanism behind convert_timezone in a ingest pipeline (pipeline basic) of ES. Namely the conversion is happening in ES side instead of handling by filebeat itself.

    But reconfiguring filebeat turns out not that easy. There are two totally different cases. The first one is the output of filebeat is directly some ES, which seems to be the default support case from the doc. In this case, one should first stop filebeat service, and delete all previou pipeline by curl, and then start filebeat service again, everything should be fine now, easy. In this case, restaring filebeat will automatically generate new pipelines in ES, which you dont need to care.

    The second use case of filebeat, make the output of filebeat to logstash. I dont think this setup is very meaningful nowadays, since filebeat seems very powerful by itself. However, if you insist this approach and try to fix time zone problem, it would be a little subtle. A simple change on system.yml won't work, though it may be a bug instead of a feature. There are several differences between this case and the ES direct case. In the second case, the pipeline in ES cannot be autogenerated when start filebeat, which is fair since filebeat has no chance to communicate with the ES directly on the normal runtime. So after stop filebeat service and delete all previous pipelines in ES, you need to generate pipelines by hand using filebeat setup tools as indicated by the above bash block. Apart from setup —pipelines, setup -e is also suggested in case. Things behinds setup -e is to configure both index template in ES and dashbord in Kibana. And setup —pipelines, as shown by this option, is to add pipelines in ES. One can restart filebeat after there two lines of commands. Extra options for these commands with -E flags is for temporary config on config time which overwrites the default config in filebeat.yml. This is necessary because filebeat must connect to ES directly at configuring time to write there pipelines and index templates back to the ES. It also worth noting these -M options for generating pipelines. It turns out hacking convert_timezone in yml files in modules.d doesn't work for logstash output. Instead, you MUST specify them by -M options explicitly when generating pipelines. E is for configuration overwirte while M is for module configuration overwrite.

    For certain pipeline in ES, one can check by curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/filebeat-6.8.0-nginx-e*', one should make sure there is a timezone key field in it if the convert_timezone function is enabled.

    Also tips for debug, turn kibana time range as this week, so that you can realize that something may written into the furture by some misconfigure.

    In sum, time is a big topic and a subtle issue in ELK stack and even in development in general. Pay attention to them and be careful!

  • to change config of filebeat

    • service filebeat stop

    • curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/filebeat*'

    • run the two setup steps in the summray

    • service filebeat start

  • sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive (Thanks to elastic guys, xpack security now comes to free for 6.8.0+).

  • configure on password in logstash need quote.

  • To query es with user authetication, just add -u esuser:espass option in curl commands.

Basic debug:

  • unset http_proxy, curl -v --user <user>:<pass> -XGET 'http://master:9200/_cluster/health?pretty'

  • for ES cluster, failure of some es node may lead to http authetication error 401. It may has nothing to do with user passwrod and authentication things.

Misc note:

  • For debug test on es, curl will go proxy!!

  • no specified JAVA_HOME warning in es service log doesn't matter

  • logstash config intro, grok official guide

  • actually it is ok for missing hostname, but the log from compute node is just too small compared to master…. It is not an issue due to ELK stack, but issue of non uptodate syslog. (time mismatch)

  • timezone issue of syslog: every damon can see the timezone issue only solved by service restart! case solved

  • ES basic query syntax: doc

  • pipline doesn't exsit error when modules is enabled for filebeat: post. Run curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/filebeat-*", to resolve conflict with possible old pipelines?

  • Actual problem: one should load pipeline for all modules in one line, otherwise, the latter one would overwrite the former one.

  • Timestamp in ES is always UTC, but kibana show them with broswer default timezone.

  • metric monitoring and optimization: blog. Pay attention to heap size.

cluster conf

  • ssl is must sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca --pass "" --out elastic-stack-ca.p12, sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca elastic-stack-ca.p12 --pass "" --out elastic-certificates.p12 --ca-pass "", we only need the final certifactes.p12 file.


into ansible workflow

In general, a cool, reasonable and east-to-follow tools. The logical flow is better compared to the tools as middlewares in the logstash. Here we just query the ES database periodically, and sent alert accordingly based on some predefined rules.

pip3 install elastalert

pip3 install "elasticsearch>=5.0.0"

apt install elastalert


For mail configuration, see this issue. It is better to use campus mail as From, since the cluster is air gapped with the Internet. But it could also be done for other smtp servers, just setup a port forwarding on the proxy server.

Note: to use elastalert-test-rule, first unset http_proxy to make it accessible to localhost ES.


See reference on ubuntu 18.04 quota command: digital ocean, it is very well write up.

sudo apt install quota

need further experiments on VM cluster first before apply it, always be carful for disk stuff

See the VM corresponding part for operations.

Not included in ansible due to flexibility consideration. Only use in master node.


merged into ansible workflow

user level vs shell level: ref.

hard limit can only be changed by root and soft limit is something that anyone can change, but firstly, you need to change it.

ulimit config file in /etc/security/limit.d, see demo

check by ulimit -a for individual users.


sudo apt install fail2ban

sudo fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip 166.


apt install numactl

$ numactl -H
available: 2 nodes (0-1)
node 0 cpus: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
node 0 size: 128601 MB
node 0 free: 14004 MB
node 1 cpus: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
node 1 size: 128996 MB
node 1 free: 27058 MB
node distances:
node   0   1
  0:  10  21
  1:  21  10

apt install hwloc


sudo apt install cgroup-tools

# /etc/cgconfig.conf
group service {
  cpuset {
group user {
  cpuset {

# /etc/cgrules.conf
elasticsearch: cpuset service/
kibana:        cpuset service/
logstash:      cpuset service/
<user>:        cpuset user/

# make new cgroup policy come to live
sudo cgconfigparser -l /etc/cgconfig.conf
sudo cgrulesengd


sudo apt install tinc

combine tinc vpn with http proxy, such that http proxy ip is not public to everyone. Make http proxy only listen to the tinc ip interface.

## /etc/netname/tinc.conf
Name = wst
Interface = tinc
ConnectTo = of
ConnectTo = smart
AddressFamily = any
GraphDumpFile = /var/log/tinc-peer.log

## /etc/netname/tinc-up
#! /bin/bash
ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add {{ tinc_ip }}/16 dev $INTERFACE

## /etc/netname/tinc-down
#! /bin/bash
ip link set $INTERFACE down

## /etc/netname/hosts/wst
Subnet =  10.x.y.2/32


## /etc/netname/hosts/of
Subnet =  10.x.y.1/32
Address = public ip


tincd -n netname -K to generate key pairs, and tincd -n netname to start the daemon. For debug usage, try tincd -n netname -d5 -D for a foregroud d with verbose output. On each Tinc daemon debug window, quit the daemon by pressing CTRL-\.

sudo iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -o tinc -s ! -d -j SNAT --to-source on master node, make compute nodes available without any modification on them. (this new SNAT line is hopefully also managed by ansible playbooks). sudo iptables -t nat -nLv check current iptables.

jumbo frame

merged into ansible

ip link set eth0 mtu 9000

Test: ping -M do -s 8972 master, do: fragmentation forbiden, there is head bytes auto added, so -s 9000 is unaccessible, see this post.

MTU setting in netplan has issues in ubuntu18.04, so basically it doesn't work by netplan apply. See one possible solution by add mac address match in netplan

The benchmarks shows little gain in enabling jumbo frames.

Using mtu 8500 instead of 9000 due to issue in Intel I219LM.


  • Installation reference (somehow docker's apt source is added into the main source.list file instead of ppa file in source.d dir)

  • Add relevant user to docker group: ref

  • proxy settings on docker server: ref

  • change default docker image path to /DATA: ref

  • install nvidia docker runtime: ref. Note test case in tf doc doesn't work, --runtime flag should be changed to --gpus all.

  • docker hub image speedup post

Warning: only trusted used can be add to docker group to directly communicate with docker deamon. It is not desinged for normal users but only resever for the administrator to debug. See security issues of docker and also this post. For normal use of containers, please try sigularity instead.


sudo apt install tmpreaper, see usage. Autoconfigured as crontab task.

Ubuntu18.04 seems to have a default cleaner: so, see man tmpfiles.d Age: If omitted or set to "-", no automatic clean-up is done. Seems no default auto delete?


mailutils seem to use hostname as fromto, no matter what myhostname is configured by postfix, it instead use -aFrom in commad line. Workable example echo "hello"|mail --debug-level 3 -s "subject" -aFrom user@some.localdomain Or echo "hello"|mail -s "go" -r ubuntu@master.localdomain.

Now equipped with all nodes shipped with smartmontools.

Use customized smail script for slurm to overcome the wrong send address format.

Use sudo postsuper -d ALL to clean postqueue -p, see here.

Create aliases.db by sudo newaliases see here.


  • legacy approach (deprecated)

crontab -l
# user home dirs, more are omitted
20 2 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -avz /home/ubuntu/ /BACKUP/ubuntu/
# softwares
20 5 * * 2 /usr/bin/rsync -avz /opt/ /BACKUP/opt/
# ganglia rrd files
20 5 * * 4 /usr/bin/rsync -avz /var/lib/ganglia/rrds/ /BACKUP/database/rrds/
# configs
20 4 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -avz /etc/ /BACKUP/etc/
# database files for slurmdbd
10 5 * * 3 /usr/bin/rsync -avz /var/lib/mysql/ /BACKUP/database/mysql/
  • new approach based on restic

    merged into ansible

apt install restic

$ sudo restic init --repo /BACKUP/restic
$ sudo restic -r /BACKUP/restic backup /home
$ sudo RESTIC_PASSWORD= restic -r /BACKUP/restic snapshots
$ sudo RESTIC_PASSWORD="" restic -r /BACKUP/restic check
$ sudo RESTIC_PASSWORD="" restic -r /BACKUP/restic unlock # if there is some stalled lock when check
$ sudo RESTIC_PASSWORD="" restic -r /BACKUP/restic mount ./tmpmnt
# RESTIC_PASSWORD="" restic -r /BACKUP/restic forget --keep-daily 5  --prune
# RESTIC_PASSWORD="" /usr/bin/restic -r /BACKUP/restic backup --one-file-system / --exclude-file=/BACKUP/ignorefile



Approach to recover the whole OS in hard disk level: post

RAID1 on c8

sudo apt install smartmontools on c8, it depends on postfix, which I have configured to local only (not a big fan of postfix).

/dev/sdb is hardware raid 1, can be checked by sudo smartctl --all -i /dev/sdb -d megaraid,1, check Health states by sudo smartctl -H /dev/sdb -d megaraid,2. Foreground short self test on disk: sudo smartctl -t short -C /dev/sdb -d megaraid,1. Basic operations of smartctl: ref.

It seems that there is also smartd enabled as service.

RAID5 on c9

(June 4, 2021) Six 8T HDD as hardware RAID5 are added in c9. It is mounted at /DATA.c9 and shared with other nodes via NFS. Remember to check the disk health in this RAID5 frequently (may be once a month) in case one disk is down in RAID5.

some benchmarks


  • iperf, the master to compuation node bandwidth is around 940Mbit/s, which is near to the limit of the Gigabit nic.

  • iperf for ipv6: iperf -sV, iperf -c <remote> -B <src> -V

  • iperf for udp: iperf -su, iperf -c <remote> -u -b 1000M, you should specify udp bandwidth on your own, otherwise, it gives a result around 1Mbs.

  • -r first send then receive; -d both at the same time

  • frequent commands related to ethtool: post


  • Tried linpack in MKL, see results in here


Available frequency is 2400, though the param is 2666, the speed is limited by CPU 5120.


  • by brute force dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/output bs=8k count=50k

    • cn3 ssd: 1.4GB/s

    • cn3 write to home folder, which is share by NFS and stored in master's SSD, 89.1 MB/s

    • master ssd: 1.3 GB/s

    • master /DATA, sdb1: 1.3GB/s (? cannot understand), similar results for sdc in master, it is weird though. (maybe due to disk controller or cache therein?)

    • dn1: sdb2 557MB/s, similar result for sdb, sda (under lvm): 471MB/s

electrical consumption

For c[1-8], the peak power is about 260W and 1.5A. For c9 with two 2080Ti, it is about 700W and 3A.

Last updated