
In this section, some aspects on ansible is discussed.

Common modules in Ansible

  • file

  • copy

  • command

  • cron: name attr must be specfied, otherwise, the crontab task shall be added repeatedly

  • debug: msg info to be printed

  • user

  • service

  • setup: get basic facts as variables collecting from nodes, note the key prefix ansible_ is not used

  • template: backup=yes

  • authorized_keys

  • lineinfile: When modifying a line the regexp should typically match both the initial state of the line as well as its state after replacement by line to ensure idempotence. Insert lines logic: blog

  • apt

  • make

  • hostname

  • mysql_user: mysql-python package missing issue: post, apt: name=python3-mysqldb state=present is enough, however pip install mysql-python wouldn't work.

  • pip

  • set_fact: set varible per host and used later in playbooks

  • gluster_volume: Using ansible to deploy gluster fs blog

General syntax in playbooks


  • when: the argument is rendered by jinja2, but no need for bracket or, and, not

  • compare operator in general language is ok to use in the condition statement, linke !=, >=

  • changed_when, failed_when


  • loop: list or list of hash, corresponding variables in leading task

  • some moudules directly support list argument

  • register of a loop task, has attr results as a list

  • with_items, register.results is automatically a list, see this post

  • nested loop, use jinja template as "{{ ['alice', 'bob'] |product(['clientdb', 'employeedb', 'providerdb'])|list }}", see here.

Useful keywords

  • environment: config the env variables, http_proxy:http://blah, play level or task level

  • become: the user after ssh

  • remote_user: the user used for ssh

CLI commands

  • ansible-vault, encrypt protected info by given password, used as !value|eencrypted strings in playbooks

  • ansible-galaxy init: create the directory structure for ansible roles

  • ansible-playbook -e "var=value", overwrite var with highest priority

  • -vv: verbose mode

  • example: ansible -i ~/hpc/hosts cn -m apt -a "name=iperf state=present" --become -K

  • host pattern in ansible adhoc: doc. As quoted "You can refer to hosts within the group by adding a subscript to the group name", that is to say, the pattern is group[1:2] instead of c[1:2] as host names.

    eg. ansible -i ./hosts cn[1:2] -m service -a "name=ganglia-monitor state=restarted" --become -K

  • check mode, --check in cli args, no real change happen but only reported as a simulation, also --diff to show difference

Jinja Template Extension in Ansible


Jinja template rendering only happen before the task is sent to nodes.

  • int, string to int

  • to_json, to_yaml, from_json, from_yaml

  • default(val) for default value of undefined variables, default(omit) use default value from external such as system defaults

  • min, flatten, flatten(levels=1)

  • unique, union(list), intersect(list), difference(list), symmetric_difference(list)

  • "{{mac_prefix| random_mac}}"

  • "{{ 60|random }}", "{{ [1,2,3]|random }}"

  • "{{ list|shuffle }}"

  • log(3), default base is e, pow(5), root(3), default power is 2, abs, round

  • "{{json or yml data| json_query("query pattern")}}", this query pattern is backend with jmespath

  • ipaddr, ipv4, ipv6, return bool default, but can extract more info if arguments are given, see doc

  • parse_cli("spec") parse output by given spec file, for details of syntax, see doc

  • hash, arguments can be sha1 or md5 or more choices. password_hash('sha256', 'mysecretsalt')

  • {{dict|combine(dict2)}} similar to dict.update(dict2) in python

  • urlsplit get info from url by given arguments, see doc

  • regex_search('regexpr'), regex_search('regexpr', new)



  my_var: "blah"
  - debug:
      msg: "matched"
      when: my_var is match ("bl*")

Ansible Vault

Development consideration



  • In template system, just use {{}} instead of quote "" outside.

  • indent in jinja template config files: blog

  • ansible_facts, the key should rip the ansible part off, which is ...

  • but for host_vars[hostname] to access the facts, the ansible prefix is must, which is in contrast with ansible_facts...

  • lookup plugin dont take become: yes as a thing, it just cannot cat other user's file….

  • for copy to copy files without permission, use remote_src: yes option, otherwise become is also useless...

  • the dest path cannot be a relative one, but use {{role_path}} instead

  • each task has it own ssh session and shell: how source work with ansible. The default shell of ansible is sh, while source is a bash builtin instead of sh.

  • {{ D['key']|default ('undefined') }} can be used as default value for non existing keys of dict

  • differece between command and shell module: blog. Command is weaker, it doesn't support evaluation on env vars and no support for |, & like things in shell.

  • Hostname is not persistent due to cloud init system in ubuntu, see solution here.

  • default_ipv4 item in ansible fact could be empty, dont rely on this variable to setup networks. It seems that there is value only after dhclient <nic>? It is actually the default route ip, see this post.

More references

My comments

In general, ansible playbooks is definitely a type of domain specific language (DSL). There are so many fields, that config files (json or yaml) have been evolving into DSL which go far beyond the scope of some nouns, but also complicated adjective and verbs in the configurations. In some sense, it is always a question, that whether such a scheme is really simple and efficient enough as claimed? Maybe, say playbooks in this case, is easier to handle and suitable for more complicated cases when implemented directly as python scripts instead of a indirect level of abstraction (yml, which one needs reinvent basically all wheels of grammars in a Turing complete language like if and for, and still has less expression power than a Turing complete language). Of course, it is just my personal thought.

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