command line tools

In this part, we will give brief tutorials on some useful CLI tools.


Tmux is installed on all nodes. It can keep some interactive sessions running even the ssh connection is off.

The very basics of tmux (for more information and commands, please google or man tmux).

tmux: open a new session of shell

Ctrl-B D: detach the tmux session and go back to the ssh bash shell

Ctrl-D: kill the tmux shell session

tmux ls: list all active tmux sessions

tmux attach [-t no or name]: go back to tmux session given no.

Ctrl+B [: move the screen in tmux session, enter vim mode

q: quit the above vim mode

Ctrl+B $: rename current session.

Ctrl+B %: to split the session

Ctrl+B O: move focus on different sessions.

Ctrl+B x: kill current panel

Ctrl+B z: maximize current panel

Ctrl+B :setw synchronize-panes: input the same command on multiple panels, ref

One can also further customize the configuration of tmux, one conf example can be found here, remember using tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf to reload the config.


auto jump to directories without full path, repo

To use z, add the following line in ~/.bashrc

. /home/ubuntu/softwares/z/

And that is all (Note the space in between).


If you are not interested in the large manual file provided by man <command>, try tldr <command> for a quick and simple cheatsheet.

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